Welcome to ManyFriends.com


A place to meet people and enjoy playing together on the web's public playground.

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News: What's new?

Toys: What's there to do?

Friends: Couldn't-a without you.

Contact: Who to talk to.


  • ManyFriends Brewing Company is related (it's still us), but a different thing. Try HERE.
  • If you've got an iPhone/iPad app idea, you may be looking for our iOS Development Client Guide Wiki.
  • Now available on the iPhone! Manyriends.com has begun making applications for iOS (iPhone, iPod-Touch and iPad.) Our initial offerings, Strings!, Maneki Neko 招き猫 and Rings! provide entertainment for the individual. Watch this space for upcoming iOS apps to share with your many friends!
  • The new Many Cigar Friends site is up in very basic form! Check back every now and then to see updates and improvements.
  • Routine update news of individual products has been moved to the individual product pages. We hope this will help reduce the clutter of "work on such and such project continues" messages, here. Our Old News page contains a repository of items that used to be in this column -- it's like a stroll down memory lane.


  • Tica Taca Tic Tac Toe, only much-much better!
  • Strings! Comely motifs unfurl as the strings resile about your iPhone or iPod-Touch display.
  • Maneki Neko 招き猫 brings luck, prosperity, wealth and romance to iPhone and iPod Touch users around the world.
  • Rings! brings back the joy of the childhood sin-wave graphing toy to the iPhone.
    Last updated 12/29/10
  • Our Many Cigar Friends site is a place where our Brothers and Sisters Of The Leaf can find like minded individuals (and the other kind! ;) and share ideas and information.
  • Last updated 09/20/08


ManyFriends.com only works because a lot of good people pitch in and help out. The following people have been a tremendous help in various ways and are among the best of our Many Friends:

  • Shannon Holland can take burgers & beer and turn them into magic -- it's an amazing thing to watch. Without him, ManyFriends.com would not exist. Everyone say "Thank you, Shannon!"
  • Shadow Dancing has been amazingly patient in helping with our many Java and Web Objects questions.
  • Mikey has also been instrumental in making sure that we practice safe Java.
  • Michiel Konstapel, Jim Scully and George Ziniewicz were also quite patient answering my many technical questions on the usenet.
  • Bryce helps make the network go, and generally provides guru-ness, when asked.
  • Dandelion & Ledward helped debug Magnets! when it was young (Dande by playing, Led by making it crash! :)
  • Pam Greene is the empress of devising ways to make things better, in general. If you like the way our toys look, play or feel, you can probably thank Pam. All the silly ideas are mine -- she did her best to stop me, honest.
  • "Buffums" was amazingly helpful in getting these web pages just-so. Everything brilliant that you see here is hers. Everything that's sub-brilliant is where I chose to ignore her advice and do things my own way.

...And too many others to name.

Follow this link to learn more about The ManyFriends Thing


A portion of Many-Friends' income is used to help educate underprivledged children.
Another portion of Many-Friends' income goes to help better the environment.